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Miller Lite

The Problem

August 7th is International Beer Day, but in 2020, traveling was tough due to pandemic-initiated travel bans. How could we still bring friends together—which is what Miller Time is all about?

The Solve

We invited friends to grab a Miller Lite for free in 80+ American cities named after foreign countries, creating an unexpected opportunity to celebrate Miller Time "internationally."


Lead Up


We launched the idea on social and kicked things off with a Travel + Leisure exclusive driving national awareness. Regional media also latched on to the story and spread the news across the nation.

Launch Day

On the big day, we sent a truckful of free beer to Scotland…South Dakota. It's a town of only 800 people, so we were able to give a free Miller Lite to every 21+ adult in the area. The story hit the front page of the Scotland Journal, and the mayor of Scotland even showed up to celebrate!

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We drummed up a ton of earned media on a shoestring budget, earning over one billion impressions for less than $17k. We were featured on broadcast news & radio, and in publications include Forbes, Fox Business, Delish, TimeOut, and my personal favorite, CDL Life.


Agency: DDB
ECD: Ben Wolan
Creative Directors: Nick Howard, Nick Stoner, Alejandro Juli
Art Director: Shelby Bass
Copywriter: Nick Garfield

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